Get started on the road to high EQ by signing up for an EQ seminar today.  Our seminars introduce the basic concepts of Emotional Intelligence in a fun and highly interactive environment that will help you understand yourself and others better.  

EQ Workshop Part 1: Self Awareness

February 15, 2020 10:00-15:00 Beijing BeiYuan Tulip Coffee 380元
(Postponed for public safety. New date to be decided.)

Emotional Self Awareness

Our behavior is often driven by emotions that we are not aware of.  This session will give you valuable tools to identify your own emotions and values, the first step in change.


We are all different people, yet we often treat each other as if we are all the same.  This session will help you learn to understand and respect personality differences in your teams.  

EQ Workshop Part 2: Self Management

March 07, 2020 10:00-15:00 Beijing BeiYuan Tulip Coffee 380元
(Postponed for public safety. New date to be decided.)

Emotional Self Management

This session will provide some techniques to help you identify and manage your negative emotions, allowing you to live and lead the way you actually want to.

Stress Management

This session will provide some basic skills in stress management, allowing you to live a happier happier and lead better.

EQ Workshop Part 3: Trusting Relationships

March 28, 2020 10:00-15:00 Beijing BeiYuan Tulip Coffee 380元
(Postponed for public safety. New date to be decided.)

Emotional Communication 

This session will provide some skills in communication and listening to begin taking down  walls and getting to know people at a deeper level.  When used at work, this leads to greater trust and more effective teamwork. 

Conflict Resolution

This session will give you and your team a basic framework for resolving conflicts so that you can stop avoiding them, resolve them quickly, and get back to effective partnership. 

These seminars can attended individually or as a package. Sign up for all three together for just 880元。
